World Festival of Animated Film /
short film edition 3 - 8 June 2014
World Festival of Animated Film / short film edition 3 - 8 June 2014
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Authors   |   JiaXing Lin


Being raised in the quiet, beautiful countryside, JiaXing Lin (1987, GuangDong) enjoys the peaceful nature and the rural life. Instead of yearning for the sparkling city life like most young people in China do, Lin has never shared the longing for the urban lifestyle. Being forced to live in the concrete jungle makes him feel caged and suffocated. He has always wanted to have the opportunity to go back to the countryside, roaming and singing among the flowers and trees as a free spirit. A Wolf in the Tree is JiaXing Lin's first film which took him two years to finish. He put a considerable amount of time and effort into this film and he thinks everything is worthwhile. To him, making films is the most exciting thing as it gives him the freedom to express himself as an artist.

Films screened at Animafest

A Wolf in the Tree

Grand Competition 3 (2014)