World Festival of Animated Film /
7 to 12 June 2021
World Festival of Animated Film / 7 to 12 June 2021
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Organisation and artistic direction of the World Festival of Animated Film – Animafest Zagreb trusted to Hulahop and Daniel Šuljić

The Council of the World Festival of Animated Film – Animafest Zagreb at its session held on 4 August decided to trust the company Hulahop for film production and cultural services with the organisation of Animafest in the upcoming four-year period (2015-2018), the task it has been successfully performing since 2007, led by producer Vjera Matković.

Among the applications submitted the Call for the Selection of an Organiser of the Implementation of Organisation of the World Festival of Animated Film in Zagreb, the Animafest Council consisting of Darko Kreč (chairman), Vesna Dovniković, Pavao Štalter, Nikica Gilić, Marko Meštrović, Željko Sarić and Milan Blažeković, selected the Hulahop company’s entry because of their success and experience in the current festival organisation, the proposed programme promising a successful continuity and improvement of the festival (at the moment when the integration of the short and feature editions is predicted, which indispensably requires many years of experience), and the connections and contacts with the foreign community and the festival circuit – said the explanation of the decision on the organiser selection.

At the same session the Council chose the old-new artistic director, Daniel Šuljić, animator and musician, who has been on this duty since 2011. Daniel Šuljić’s new term of office will last four years (2015-2018). His current experience in forming the festival programme and his proposal for the new artistic programme, submitted to the Public Call for the Selection of Artistic Director of the World Festival of Animated Film in Zagreb, promising a successful continuity, are the reasons for Šuljić’s re-election, said the Decision explanation.