World Festival of Animated Film /
3 to 8 June 2019
World Festival of Animated Film / 3 to 8 June 2019
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Jayne Pilling is the recipient of the Animafest Zagreb 2019 Award for Outstanding Contributions to Animation Studies

World Festival of Animated Film - Animafest Zagreb Festival Council decided to present the 2019 Award for Outstanding Contribution to Animation Studies to a versatile scholar, educator and animation promoter Jayne Pilling.

Jayne Pilling was the founder and until 2018 the director of the prestigious British Animation Awards. Her overall work demonstrates great knowledge, methodological comprehensiveness and fluency in different areas of animation, which she acquired teaching at universities in Europe, Asia and USA, collaborating with the most renowned festivals, and advising the British Film Institute and other artistic establishments. Naturally, what is particularly important for this award is the trace she has left as the author and editor of books and other publications about animation and similar audiovisual arts – especially Animating the Unconscious: Desire, Sexuality, and Animation (2012), Animation: 2D & Beyond (2001), Stephen e Timothy Quay (1999), A Reader in Animation Studies (1997), Cartoons & the Movies (1997), Women & Animation: A Compendium (1992), That’s Not All Folks: A Primer in Cartoonal Knowledge (1984).

She has curated and released a series of DVDs of animation classics, helped push women’s issues in the genre and supported the canonisation of many animation values. Ms Pilling made it possible for new generations to discover the classics like Starewicz, at the same time keeping track of the latest trends in the art of animation. She directed the TV serial Continental Passions about European contributions to this art and organised several symposiums and conferences, demonstrating her massive energy in discovering new ways of understanding, promoting and loving animation.

The Award for Outstanding Contribution to Animation Studies will be presented to Jayne Pilling at the official opening ceremony of Animafest in Zagreb, 3 June 2019.