World Festival of Animated Film /
3 to 8 June 2019
World Festival of Animated Film / 3 to 8 June 2019
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Água Mole / Drop by Drop

Focus on Portugal 3


Água Mole / Drop by Drop

Laura Gonçalves

Portugal / 2017 / 9' 41''


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Friday, 07. 06.,
Kaptol Boutique Cinema, Hall 1, 20:00 h


The last habitants of a village refuse to sink into oblivion. In a world where the idea of progress appears to be above all, this home floats.

Laura Gonçalves

After graduating from the Fine Arts University of Lisbon, Alexandra and Laura began working in animation film in 2009. Since then, their paths have always been intertwined. They've been part of the technical teams on various films, directed together and separately, and recently started producing. They both believe in the power of collaboration. They are 2 of the 6 founding members of BAP- Animation Studio, a Cooperative of animation authors, which since 2013 has been their nest for developing and making films, alongside other internationally recognised authors. Together they made the films Água Mole (2017) and Percebes (2024).



Laura Gonçalves


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Focus on Portugal 3