The Web Animation - The Illusion of Life Raised to the Second Power - Kristina Marić - Department of Cultural Studies, J. J. Strossmayer University in Osijek - Croatia
7/06 WED 15:50 - 16:20 Chilloutka, Ilica 15/1
The fast growing role of animation in the virtual world is the subject of this paper. The relationship between the virtual and the physical reality observed through the context of animation makes us consider the nature of the medium itself. Today animation is an inseparable part of web development. It became the favourite entertainment medium to attract users and share the information, when we talk about the World Wide Web. By telling the stories, by entertaining or furthering brands, it changes users’ experiences fundamentally. Adding exaggeration to an object in motion gives it a greater sense of weight and volume. The paradox of that principle is often illustrated with the bouncing ball, which is unnaturally squashed or stretched. In that context, the bigger illusion means a more realistic feel. Among the characteristics of the virtual world there are also exaggerations and illusions.
Animating the virtual world and making it interactive with the user in the same time, brings a whole new level to the creation of our multimedia environment, because of creating an illusion within something that is an illusion in itself. The effectiveness and attractiveness of applied animation certainly brings challenges into the understanding of the media. What does the fact that the animation today becomes available to every journalist, collector of information or organizer of some web page’s contents, mean to animation in general? This necessarily leads us to applying a critic of virtual reality on the animation as such.
Kristina Marić is a multimedia artist and scholar. She was born in 1990, in Croatia. Graduated in 2015 at the Art Academy in Osijek, at the Sub-department of Multimedia (MA). Actively engaged in researching various media, she works mainly in video art and photography. Also examining phenomena in contemporary art practices and visual culture. Her works were presented at shows and festivals in Croatia and abroad. She has won an Award for the Best Multimedia Work in the academic year 2013/2014 at the Art Academy in Osijek. She is a member of the Croatian Association of Artists in Osijek. Kristina is currently working as a teaching assistant at the Chair of Media Culture at the Department of Cultural Studies, J. J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, Croatia. She started her postgraduate degree at the Doctoral School of University of Osijek.