World Festival of Animated Film /
short and feature edition 5 to 10 June 2017
World Festival of Animated Film / short and feature edition 5 to 10 June 2017
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La montagne magique / The Magic Mountain

Grand Prix 2016 - Magic Mountain / Endgame(04.06.2017. 21:30h)


La montagne magique / The Magic Mountain

Anca Damian

France, Poland, Romania / 2015 / 95' 0''


Sunday, 04. 06.,
Ljetno kino Gradec, 21:30 h


In the form of an animated docu-drama, the biography of Adam Jacek Winker wanders through nearly half a century of history. A Polish refugee in Paris, Adam lived a boundless life, wanting to change the world. His adventurous life takes a radical turn in the 80s, as he visions himself a knight of the 20th century and leaves France to fight with both amateurism and courage, alongside commander Massoud against the Soviets in Afghanistan. In the light of September 11th, 2001, his fate mirrors the individual's destiny in relation with the history unfolding and also the introspection of a man on his own fate.

Anca Damian

Anca Damian (1962) is a cinematographer and filmmaker. She worked as a director of photography on two feature films, Forgotten by God (1991), The Way of Dogs (1992), as well as on many shorts and documentaries. Later she worked as a director, screenwriter and producer of several award-winning documentaries. In 2008 she made her first feature film as a director, screenwriter and co-producer. Intalniri incrucisate (Crossing Dates, 2008), a Romanian-Finnish co-production, was selected at Pusan, Chicago, Gothenburg, Pune, Cottbus and Rome, and in 2011 she made her multi-award winning film Crulic – The Path to Beyond.



Anca Damian


Aparte Film, Filmograf, Arizona Productions


Anca Damian, Anna Winkler


Frédéric Théry, Sebastian Wlodarczyk


Alexander Balanescu


Ion Ioachim Stroe


Thodore Ushev, Sergiu Negulici, Raluca Popa, Dan Panaitescu, Tomek Ducki


Grand Prix 2016 - Magic Mountain / Endgame(04.06.2017. 21:30h)