World Festival of Animated Film /
short and feature edition 5 to 10 June 2017
World Festival of Animated Film / short and feature edition 5 to 10 June 2017
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Change / Change

Jonathan Ostrem

Canada / 2017 / 7' 30''


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Tuesday, 06. 06.,
Europa Cinema, 20:00 h
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Friday, 09. 06.,
Tuškanac Cinema, 13:00 h


From the deepest corner of the ether, you feel its pull. Change is an experimental short film about the passage of time on a massive scale. Change is deeply rooted in experimental animation production process. The process began two years ago as a material exploration intended to test the limits and capabilities of viewport rendering and lighting. The film exploits real-time rendering techniques to represent the incomprehensible transient nature of reality and our perception of it.

Jonathan Ostrem

Jonny Ostrem is a visual artist working in Vancouver, BC. He employs 3D renderings, real-time engines, and simulation – often co-opting CGI tools of representation to achieve unexpected results. His digital imagery explores the expressive potential of technology, operating in a broad spectrum between realism and abstraction; taking the form of large scale prints and projections in galleries and public spaces. Ostrem’s experimental animated work has shown in exhibitions across Canada, including FUSE – Vancouver Art Gallery 2016, New Forms Festival (2014), Ottawa International Animation Festival (2010), GIRAF Film Festival, Calgary (2010) and Les Sommets, Montréal (2010). Since 2012, he has worked with Stan Douglas recreating history in 3D.



Jonathan Ostrem


Jonny Ostrem


Jonathan Ostrem


Jonathan Ostrem


Michael Red


Jonathan Ostrem


Grand Competition Short Film 2