Sandra Malenica (1980, Varaždin) has been pursuing animated film since the age of eight at the creative film studio VANIMA, first as an author, later as a mentor, and now as the programmer of VAFI festival's children's film section. She graduated with a degree in Croatian language and literature and comparative literature from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and currently she is a second year student at a PhD course in literature, performance arts, film and culture at the same institution. She has attended many workshops and training sessions, both theoretical and practical, in the field of film and media culture, made a dozen animated films, mentored around 20 animation workshops for children and youth across Croatia and internationally, including two workshops for children with special needs, in association with Sunce Varaždin organisation. One of VAFI's founders, Sandra worked for the festival as a programmer for seven years. Besides, she programmed the listings of Varaždin's city cinema, worked as a graphic editor for a local newspaper, and today she acts as the managing director of Varaždin Public Open University. An ASIFA member since 2008 and an AWG (Animation Workshop Group) member since 2012.