World Festival of Animated Film /
5 to 10 June 2023
World Festival of Animated Film / 5 to 10 June 2023
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Relja is 8.5 years old. He is in the 2nd grade at Vladimir Nazor Primary School. He plays double bass and drums, and he had several performances as DJ Svemir. His hobby is inventing scenarios that his dad writes down and they shoot them through playing. In their imagination they have filmed three films - sequels to the Back to the Future trilogy: the fourth part, the fifth and the sixth: Fall into the Black Kingdom and The Last Death. They are preparing a new film - The Beginning of the Fairy Tale - about the origins of the Back to the Future trilogy and includes elements of the films Puss in Boots and Scream. He enjoys reading Gaturro and Garfield. He likes to eat tasty food. His favourite dish is squid risotto. When he grows up, he wants to be a director, and a DJ in his spare time. He would also like to study medicine, but he is afraid that he will not have enough time for all of that.