World Festival of Animated Film /
5 to 10 June 2023
World Festival of Animated Film / 5 to 10 June 2023
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Authors   |   Mélanie Courtinat


Mélanie Courtinat is an immersive artist and art director, born and based in Paris, France. Considering video games as a major medium, she explores their properties within her practice, which tends to push its limits and draws new parallels with other creative fields such as fine arts, music, fashion, architecture, cinema... She is particularly interested in gameplay mechanisms and the emotion they arouse, through the creation of worlds and interactive installations using virtual reality, augmented reality and 3D. Her personal work has been exhibited around the world, notably at the Venice Immersive Biennale, the Tokyo Game show and the House of Electronic Arts in Basel. Her most recent clients consist of LVMH, Cartier, Chanel, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Dolce&Gabbana, Orveda, Coty, Mazarine, Tétier bijoux, Helena Rubinstein, Ubisoft, Dixon, Agar Agar... Mélanie also teaches video game theory at École cantonale d'art de Lausanne (ECAL) and regularly gives lectures, notably at Institut français de la mode, London University of the Arts, art galleries and museums.