World Festival of Animated Film /
6 to 11 June 2022
World Festival of Animated Film / 6 to 11 June 2022
hr | en



12/05 – 12/06
TUE–FRI 11:00-19:00
SAT–SUN  10:00-18:00

The exhibition Animafest Zagreb 1972 – 2022 summarizes the half a century long history of the festival. It includes a selection of award-winning animated films and introduces their authors, as well as festival trailers, awards, publications, posters, drawings, documentary materials and photographs.

The three main sections show how the World Festival of Animated Film put Zagreb at the centre of world animation, followed contemporary trends and the development of this type of art, how it programmatically adapted and changed, connected authors from different artistic fields. In a chronological order, a special place in the exhibition is dedicated to the festival’s visual identity, which was designed and developed with each new edition by animators and graphic designers.

The first logo was made by Borivoj Dovniković Bordo, the first poster was designed by Zlatko Bourek, and Zvonimir Lončarić designed the festival mascot Mandlek – the popular man with a bowler hat. From the beginning, design was, just like an animated film, the result of teamwork, so even today, successful graphic design solutions are an integral part of the festival.

The exhibition Animafest Zagreb 1972 – 2022 provides an insight into the rich history of the festival, which as a cultural and social phenomenon continues to play an important role in creating new artistic trends. Artistic and archival material was collected from Zagreb Film, Croatian State Archives, Museum of Contemporary Art, archives of the organiser Hulahop Ltd., and private collections of Veljko Krulčić, Nedeljko Dragić, Stjepan Lončarić, Margit Antauer Buba.

Vesna Meštrić