World Festival of Animated Film /
23 - 27 June 1986
World Festival of Animated Film / 23 - 27 June 1986
hr | en

Programme Committee: Joško Marušić, president
Borivoj Dovniković, Nedeljko Dragić, Enver Hadžiabdić, Boris Kolar, Želimir Koščević, Ranko Munitić, Nenad Pata, Pavao Štalter

Festival Director: Borivoj Dovniković

Films entered for competition 460 from 32 countries
Participating countries 24
Films in competition 58
Films out of competition 39

International Selection Committee
Guido Manuli - Italy
Csaba Varga - Hungary
Nikola Majdak - Yugoslavia

International Jury
Bruno Edera - Switzerland
Eduard Nazarov - USSR
Joško Marušić - Yugoslavia
Osamu Tezuka - Japan
Ishu Patel - Canada

Official Awards

Lifetime Achievement Award Norman McLaren, Canada

Grand Prix
Not awarded

Awards in categories

Films shorter than 5 min
Eto sovsem ne pro eto That's Not the Same at All, A. Fedulov, USSR

Films from 5 to 12 min
Sweet Disaster - Dreamless Sleep, David Anderson, Great Britain

Films from 12 to 30 min
Street of Crocodiles, Quay Brothers, Great Britain

Educational films
Thirty-Six Characters, A Da, China

Films for children
Volk i telenok The Wolf and the Calf, M. Kamenecky, USSR

Best first film
Criminal Tango, Solweig von Kleist, France

Special award for graphics
De karakters The Character, Everet de Beijer, The Netherlands

Special award for animation
Mein Bruder My Brother,Jürgen Heer, Hayo Freitag, Germany

Special award for music
Street of Crocodiles, Brothers Quay, Great Britain

Special award for sound effects
How The Frog's Eye Sees, Skip Battaglia, USA

Special award for humour
The Big Snit, Richard Condie, Canada

Special award at the discretion of the jury
Question d'optiques The Point of View, Claude Luyet, Switzerland
Budet laskovvy dožd A Gentle Rain is Gonna Fall, Nazim Touliahodjajev, USSR

Films by Norman McLaren
Films by the Fleischer Brothers
Films by Andrey Khrjanovsky
Masters of world animation (BBC video series)
Best of '85 festivals
Day of the Dutch films

Late Night Programmes
An Evening with Ishu Patel
Sound in animation films
British animated commercials

Fine Arts in Polish Animation
Nedeljko Dragić, Dušan Petričić Graphic Art

New Tendencies in Animation, Dan McLaughlin (UCLA)

Panel Discussion
Sound in animation films


Poster by: Boris Kolar